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selling alcohol

Started by Expressdude2016, 28-12-16, 10:02AM

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Thanks for quick reply. Wasn't sure




Hi can anyone advise please. Once a colleague has followed the challenge 25 policy and asked for Id which the customer did not have and therefore the sale was refused, can a manager then overrule you on this decision?


No because you are legally culpable, if they try to overrule you call the duty manager if they agree log out of the check out, stand back and tell them to log in and make the sale.

If they try to give you a let's talk contact your regional manager.


The policy used to be "you say , we say" , so a manager had to back you up , once customer was gone they might have told you that you were wrong but in front of the customer they were meant to fully support your decision  .


I have a very low opinion of managers, but unless the customer you're refusing to serve is a Chelsea Pensioner in full uniform, I can't see many managers being stupid enough to overrule you. Because if it goes the shape of the pear, at the very least they've just done more damage to their career than the MP who grabbed the female protester by the scruff of her neck. At worst, they are looking at a criminal record.

As others have said, if it does happen, you still have the right to log off, step away from the till and let the manager do it themselves. The law of the land trumps tesco policy. Ordering someone to commit what they genuinely believe to be a crime is not a reasonable request.


A manager can't force you to serve someone alcohol if you've refused under think 25.


If you've asked someone who is clearly about 40 and they don't have i.d. then the manager can take them to a separate till and serve them if they want.   This wouldnt happen very often but it does happen.

grim up north

Can a person refuse to pick alcohol in a distribution centre for the same religious reasons?


Not that I have ever heard that, other wise it would be the same about picking meat items for vegans, or condoms for others.

If it's for a Muslim then point out that they are not allowed to drink it, nothing says they can't handle it, also the hand gel we are all using has alcohol in it, when we have an operation alcohol is used, then also the fact that working for someone like Tesco part of the pay they get is from profits that come from alcohol sales.  Some years ago we had a problem like this and I then went and asked a Muslim Imam and this is what he told me which I went back and pointed out  (I am using The Muslim faith since that is what I came across).

If  your asking for yourself, then I will repeat what the Imam said, which is "some people just Complicate things way to much".

grim up north

It's not for me. But it's been brought to my attention


That's a toughy 8-)

If the employee is a new starter, and declaring their faith prohibits the touching of alcohol, then I would think that must be accepted, and their picks should not include alcohol, but subbed with an alternative pick list....I admit, I don't know the procedures in distribution, or how easy it would be to adjust the picks to accommodate  ???

If the employee is established, and suddenly declares this refusal is faith based, having done these picks in the past without any apparent discomfort or comment, then this should be investigated tactfully but firmly.

I would not think the picking of meat by vegans, or even condoms for others could be comparable, as the main concern would be the alcohol cases drop and break, with alcohol spilling onto the person. They probably use soap rather than alcohol based gel?

However....perhaps the Imam just thinks what we all summing up daily problems from all walks of life, beliefs etc, in a nutshell

Live for today. Learn from yesterday.


The various Islamic countries of the world certainly have no problem with handling crude oil which is a mix of many alcohols.  As far as I know it is only the drinking of it which is goes against their religious teachings.
"The progress of the kart is more important than its direction"


Erm what kind of alcohol are you selling in your store? you're  not toughing the alcohol  is in a bottle/can


Quote from: lucgeo on 02-11-20, 03:32PM
That's a toughy 8-)

If the employee is a new starter, and declaring their faith prohibits the touching of alcohol, then I would think that must be accepted, and their picks should not include alcohol, but subbed with an alternative pick list....I admit, I don't know the procedures in distribution, or how easy it would be to adjust the picks to accommodate  ???

If the employee is established, and suddenly declares this refusal is faith based, having done these picks in the past without any apparent discomfort or comment, then this should be investigated tactfully but firmly.

I would not think the picking of meat by vegans, or even condoms for others could be comparable, as the main concern would be the alcohol cases drop and break, with alcohol spilling onto the person. They probably use soap rather than alcohol based gel?

However....perhaps the Imam just thinks what we all summing up daily problems from all walks of life, beliefs etc, in a nutshell

Vegans have a Belief just like those  of faiths, every thing is about belief  and how you feel about it, same goes for Condoms which is banned for Christians/Muslims/And Jews.

what the Imam said was based on Islamic law, he even pointed out that years ago most Muslims did not use perfumes that had a Alcohol base, this has now been removed and Muslims have been told to stop adding to the rules, meaning it says do not drink it.  Having said that Islam forbids over eating, smoking, drug taking, or anything that will harm other person or others.

The next thing we will find is that Jews,Muslims and some Christians will ask that they can't handle pork or non Kosha foods, Hindus will ask to be moved to a department which is all veg, Sikhs will refuse to handle cigs.

I would love to know if this person is a Muslim, for no other reason than to educate them on what Islam says since today I have just spoken to a few of my Muslim friends who have backed up what the Imam has said.


Quote from: Arketti on 26-06-19, 09:35AM
Hi can anyone advise please. Once a colleague has followed the challenge 25 policy and asked for Id which the customer did not have and therefore the sale was refused, can a manager then overrule you on this decision?

I was told that a cashier’s decision can’t be overridden. No one can be forced to sell something, if they have judged the customer to look under 25. The policy is literally “look, assess...” so they are asking us to make our own judgement! If I judge someone to be under 25, and a manager comes along and tells me to serve them, I would refuse. I would say I am not comfortable making the sale, but they are welcome to do so on another till, at their own risk. Then I would store the transaction and hand it to the manager, to do with as they see fit.

The only problem with this though, is that any manager attempting to override the decision and serving the customer themselves, then leaves you open to abuse from that customer. That happened to me. I refused a sale to a boy who looked about 18/19 and wouldn’t show me ID. He then kept coming back with other people, and verbally abused me to an awful degree. It was three years ago, and the memory of the way they treated me still hurts when I remember it today! And a manager just stood there and watched the whole thing. The lack of support when being abused by customers is one of the main reasons I want to leave Tesco as soon as the economy has stabilised.


report this manager to the union and the store manager immediately. they are going against policy!!!  >:( >:(


The Store Manager is usually the license holder (the license is now attached to people, not premises) if an underage transaction was made, then it's old mateyboy the manager who will get their goose cooked and incur heavy fines, you will also get in trouble, but the license holder would be spit roasted by Tesco on one end and by the licensing authority on the other. (As Tesco could very well lose their right to sell alcohol from that particular store).

To make not so much out of it, the license holder could be sent to prison and bummed in the showers daily until release, you would probably be sent on a training scheme in comparison.


Quote from: gomezz on 02-11-20, 04:54PM
The various Islamic countries of the world certainly have no problem with handling crude oil which is a mix of many alcohols.  As far as I know it is only the drinking of it which is goes against their religious teachings.
If you check you can read that muslims are not supposed to touch any bottles  / cans or boxers that contain any alcoholic drink ,I've worked with many that practise this ,which  is easily managed  either by customer holding item whilst cashier uses mobile scanning device or even colleague next to them doing it


I have posted before that A Muslim is only banned from drinking  Alcohol ,  Islam does not forbid you from touching it ,  If any Muslim says so ask them that , should they be working for a company that pays a salary from profits that are partly made from selling things Like Alcohol .pork , condoms ?,,

This was confirmed to me years ago when I had the problem of some staff that said they could not handle it , confirmed by what Muslims called a Mufti which is like someone at the top of Islamic teachers ,  he and other muslims pointed out that when you have a Jab at the doctors or hospital like we are about to have for this Virus they clean your arm with alcohol same when they operate on you , as well as other medicine ,

I have a friend that is Muslim and when I asked him he told me that as a Taxi driver he would not be able to work since the most busy days being friday/sat nights he picked up people that half drunk would hand him money which had touched hands that had touched alcohol , 

Thats my take on it from what Muslims have told me , if someone says other wise they need to learn or are pulling a fast one  :(


Just search in Google " can muslims touch alchol bottles "
And it states they should not touch containers bottke,cans carrying alcohol
Nothing about pulling a fast one it's just how strong they follow their beliefs.
Like some women cover their face and some dont


What is Google  ???

No one can over rule a Mufti besides a grand Mufti which this man has become ,

A Mufti is someone who has reached a level in the religious knowledge (requiring a university degree and acknowledgement of peers) that allows him to give jurisprudence judgments on matters of religion.

As to face coverings it is more to do with tradition not religion , again this was confirmed By the Mufti,  unless you follow extreme ISIS thinking, in which case you would not even work for a company that sells alcohol.

A last point, non of the Muslims left work they all carried on serving at the tills and many went on to hold alcohol licences, anyway that's my take on it.


Muslim can touch the bottle of alcohol, even the alcohol itself, touch pig, pork, dog etc.


I used to work in a place that served alcohol. The majority of our Muslim staff would scan the bottles, but wouldn’t pour any alcoholic drinks. Another staff member would have to quickly pour and hand their drinks to the customers. We had only one staff member who refused to scan the bottle as well. Selling alcohol, but not pouring it was the more common situation. During my time at Tesco so far no one has refused to sell alcohol. It is an expected part of the role!

One of the cleaners in our store says she can’t clean up alcohol spills - that was something I hadn’t come across before.


a manager certainly can override a cashier - but would be very stupid to. Cashier generally have more experience of think 25 than managers and should be supported.

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