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Stock control

Started by Qwsaedfr, 01-06-19, 12:42PM

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Our warehouse is now rammed, milk and butter etc are even being stored outside of the chiller, which never normally happens.


Milk...outside a chiller :thumbdown: (-*-)

just curious

I would like to bet that three quarters of the stores have milk / chilled gods left in a corridor or back yard , the other quarter of the stores will be running short of stock all because of central planning . ( Also all the warehouses have had to clear the depots of Christmas lines so that they can have the Easter stock in storage - would like to bet that Cadbury cream eggs , mini eggs etc are already in store waiting to go n display in the new year ? )  ??? ??? :-X

Long gone

Quote from: just curious on 22-12-19, 10:05AM
I would like to bet that three quarters of the stores have milk / chilled gods left in a corridor or back yard , the other quarter of the stores will be running short of stock all because of central planning . ( Also all the warehouses have had to clear the depots of Christmas lines so that they can have the Easter stock in storage - would like to bet that Cadbury cream eggs , mini eggs etc are already in store waiting to go n display in the new year ? )  ??? ??? :-X

Ours was in the back yard at one point when there was snow on the ground, it was colder outside than in the actual chiller. Bad thing is though that a delivery came and was left outside and 30 minutes later management ran in the warehouse and got as many staff members to drag it up from outside because environmental health had come in the store for a random check  😂


The health and safety executive should be contacted.  I am sure on the week leading up to Christmas they would find a visit to most stores worthwhile.


Tesco are protected by the government, they'll just get punitive fines for breaching important regulations and Health and Safety, The government needs Tesco due to how important is to the national economy.


How is everyone on stock control coping at the moment? It has been a mad few weeks and my store still hasn't fully recovered with tons of gaps still on the grocery side. And obviously the massive osi and low line push went down a treat ;D . With routines now starting to get back to normal but the stores not being normal, it could be an interesting few weeks


Going to ask what risk assessments have been done tomorrow it’s alright wanting the crappy routines done but safety surely is more important.Seeing people as hours not people is wearing very would think the pandemic was over in Tesco world.Gaps are massive still in days of old when you actually cared it might have bothered you not anymore.Osi  what a treat when it’s just you it’s like the company has become Charlie browns teacher they talk but none of it makes sense......also got told MST are being run through the night my manager has already said it will be a joke trying to staff it,more noise not making sense.Yep totally disillusioned have been since last May.


Agreed with the gaps being massive still, we had over 300 gap scanned on grocery alone, tons of discontinues to do and now counts being added on top. I can understand where tesco is coming from with counts in that it's important we start correcting stock record errors, however is now really the time?


No it’s not important safety is.


I did say why now, i certainly don't agree with them being introduced again while stores aren't back to normal but i do understand that having an accurate count of stock is also important but 100% agree not over staff safety


That’s the problem your just hours to them.I will be interested in the reply I Get tomorrow I will push the risk assessment.Just sick of the companies attitude to staff now.


Do let me know what they say, will be very interesting


Can't seem to make a new topic so decided to write it in here. Just wondered how many staff work on grocery stock control and how many hours they do a day? As our store keeps pushing for more lows to be done even though company said they don't gain from it, also the amount of 142s/daily counts we get are higher than what was said in New role brief.

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Monday to Friday we've one person dedicated to grocery stock control only, they work about 6 hours a day, do gaps and counts and then usually some OSI if they've time.
Saturday we've someone off the fresh side come in and do the gaps and counts but no OSI, they've 6 hours to do this, and then go OSI the fresh side instead.
Sunday we've one person to do both gaps and counts for fresh and grocery, they're on a 9 hour shift, but that person usually has someone come help them.

They could really do with having another person during the week to do lowlines and OSI properly.


One person me........stick to my guns if you want more then get someone else.Sick of the job now it's impossible.


Quote from: Flokianon on 27-07-20, 01:55PM
Can't seem to make a new topic so decided to write it in here. Just wondered how many staff work on grocery stock control and how many hours they do a day? As our store keeps pushing for more lows to be done even though company said they don't gain from it, also the amount of 142s/daily counts we get are higher than what was said in New role brief.

After the changes last year in the morning my store went from 4x full time and 2x part time in the mornings to 4x part time doing 6am-12pm Monday to Friday with 2 on Grocery and Fresh and 2 on Non-Food also 6am-12pm. We'd be expected to do OSI (which some days took up to 4 hours), Gap scan across Grocery and non-food, date rotation scan across grocery, 142 counts, consumables and full bakery counts, DSS, phone shop count, and low lines thrown in on top of that which was near on impossible even with 4 of us. Someone would come in 12pm-5pm Monday to Friday to do Fresh gaps, Fresh OSI and any 142 counts that we weren't able to get completed as well as the weekly horticulture count. Then the usual 3 guys in from 5pm until 9 to do pr's and bakery count. So really us who were working in the morning had a near on impossible job and the guys working in evenings had a really easy job and were hanging about doing nothing most evenings. Not sure who came up with the heat map in our store but it just seemed completely bottom heavy with not enough hours to get everything done.



@stockcontroller. OSI has become an obsession in my store. It can take up to half my shift leaving little time for my other routines. Our store does not follow the replenishment cycle. Days work delivery, nights pick up what delivery is left then work back stock/capping shelves. Surly that must throw out the SBO and the knock on does not show a true reflection in overs from delivery. Last years briefing guidance says it should take 2 hours for OSI


The replenishment cycle has never been followed in our store,it was all based on the old hours just basically lies that the trials worked.Good opportunity to get rid of staff on older contracts.Stock control is a joke now.I couldn't care less anymore that's another knock effect.


Three years ago tesco made some stock control made redundancies and made our job simpler getting rid off delivery come tesco have bought this back with 2membership off staff and can something be done about this. Honestly for two people this is way to much to do also has anyone got a job description on what we are supposed to be doing,are we meant to be doing delivery overs.


Ask your manager for your job description, it should have all your tasks and time allocated for each...if it's there and has time allowance for it, then you can see if your department's running under hours...which undoubtedly it is. If it is, then you work your department to the best of your ability, if you don't have time to complete all tasks, they don't get done.

If it's not on your job description, then you just don't do it ever!
Live for today. Learn from yesterday.


I'm on my own I've given up .👌


There's a 3 week osi event which makes no sense as it was done over 8 weeks previously,they want delivery overs done every day on all departments apart from weekends, totally unrealistic given they destroyed stock control with their bullshitty cuts.Even my boss has been apologising to me for how bad it is ,Tosco lost the plotco.Never mind though if I get too stressed I can listen to whale on an app.😕


Then extra hours would/ should have been allocated to cover this event, be it overtime or other dept/manager support.
Either the overtime has been refused by SM, to keep the wages budget down or given to another dept, or you're not getting the full support deemed necessary to complete these tasks. Ask your manager for a straight answer?
Live for today. Learn from yesterday.

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