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Managers pay review meeting 2017

Started by Woody44, 28-06-17, 07:31AM

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It's not straight forward to answer really but basically if you are a met and due a payrise you'll get 1.5% unless your pay is very low and you need to be brought up inline with market matrix it could be as much as 6% (I have mgrs in my store that are on low pay and 'met' but will only get 2.5%, so the 6% don't figure) if your a miss you don't get pay rise nor if you are at the high end of pay scale.


Where is it stated that a manager must do duty shifts .
Thought the whole point was to spend more time doing by our own job and spending time with own staff in dept. Would love to see that written down some where.


All mgrs except deputy & store mgr cover all duties in our store sometime 3 duties a week


I have heard that Usdaw don't negotiate managers pay which is something agreed along time ago ?
Also I think as for managers pay there is a massive gap between managers wages which is unfair and they will all be bought in line by 2018 so if the company was to have give out a descent % they know they would be having to pay you that back as part of your pay off when you need to meat the pay band for your store  :(


I think there needs to be a collective greivance for managers maybe by store groups
All should pull out of union ?


Same boat as everyone else - 25 yrs as a manager , never had a red review and now id be as well performing like a missed manager . Absolutely gutted - asked my store manager if I should just hang onto my job and wait for redundancy ( which feels more and more inevitable these days) or shouldn't just jump ship now ? Also told him that I'm glad this happened to me just before WMTY -my emotional loyalty to this company has disappeared completely .


If all managers are like the one's in my store then they are all paid far too much for what they do. Wandering around looking important & doing sod all but talking doesn't warrant a pay rise. Just my opinion like.


I wish I had the time to wander about talking all the time .... Never seem to have time with 8 areas to manage


Everyone has a review process and if you achieve your objectives with a Green or 'met' then everyone derserves a pay rise. In regards to bringing lower paid mgrs up to the higher level by 2018, how will that be achieved on 1.5%? I can't ever see the lower mgrs paid equal until all the longer serving mgrs are made redundant and everyone is on lower pay.


Join my store. They seem to find time there. Never see them doing much else really.


Quote from: Compliance89 on 28-06-17, 03:03PM
Everyone has a review process and if you achieve your objectives with a Green or 'met' then everyone derserves a pay rise. In regards to bringing lower paid mgrs up to the higher level by 2018, how will that be achieved on 1.5%? I can't ever see the lower mgrs paid equal until all the longer serving mgrs are made redundant and everyone is on lower pay.
Them manager will come down in salary 


How much of this could be tactics hoping some managers will jump ship before they do wat they are doing ?


Quote from: Woody44 on 28-06-17, 03:28PM
How much of this could be tactics hoping some managers will jump ship before they do wat they are doing ?
Not the first time I've heard this recently


In my opinion they want old managers out and bring the young ones in on the cheap big savings,


Totally agree with lots being posted,I too am too high up scale (what ever it is)to get a rise,also told today that I was a miss ,not having had a end of year review this was a surprise.all my efforts to make new twilight operation work alongside stock control obviously not recognised.
In 36 years in retail I have never felt so deflated ,my manager says my contribution is valued ,it doesn't seem like that.
We are being made to pay for other people's increases !
With 5 years before retirement I'm not likely to move job so I guess I will have to suck it up.
The next wmty will be a laugh,


It's not there fault it's been allowed to happen over the years but think of that big fat bonus all the store managers have just got 45%
Could that of been smaller and spread it down and give to GA's and managers


If you never had a end of year review you should of been met automatically ?????? :thumbdown: ???


If you didn't have a end of year review you should be an automatic 'met'. Appeal it!


Quote from: Northernstorelad07 on 28-06-17, 10:02AM
When the next store viewpoint comes along they will get a blanket of 0s for everything
I'm not pouring scorn here but that was said last time and the company churned out a high of 83%, despite the issues around pensions/closures/premiums/redundancies/restructures/nights. Something somewhere doesn't add up - people are either not telling the truth on WMTY or are not having their say at all.

Quote from: darklighter on 28-06-17, 12:42PM
If you are not a compliance manager or senior team you should not be doing Duty shifts at all!
I believe the structural principle introduced was 'non-trading and non-customer facing' managers should do duties, so that means SM, Senior Team, Compliance and Stock Control - however that crafty caveat remains that if you are trained and signed off as a Duty Manager you can still do them - otherwise stores would never cover Sundays. Plus there's always the old 'good for your development' chestnut ;)

Quote from: londoner83 on 28-06-17, 11:41AM
Managers who stayed put in a store got rewarded with a small percentage each year; whilst those who frequently swapped stores negotiated larger increases with every move. You now have highly paid managers in small easy shops due to freqùent moving with new managers on 21k in complex Extras.

I still think a bigger worry is a rumoured cull of managers so I for one would accept no pay rise if my job was secure
Herein lies the problem - Tesco's management costs are still in the region of around 20% of it's total payroll costs in an industry that runs with 16%. As you have described, the restructures have not delivered the management attrition needed to reduce the cost as they all just moved about to smaller/easier/closer stores (at least they did in our area). There are a lot of managers out there earning above what the market suggests they should earn. Admittedly, this is also due in part to their historical performance and Tesco's past pay deals which is not the individual managers' fault - they are effectively being punished now for their past loyalty and performance. None of this changes the fact that management costs are still to high, and the only solution to this is continued consolidation and removal of roles coupled with pay erosion over time - this is what you are seeing, underlined by the principle that management structure reviews are now continual rather than occasional.

Quote from: Woody44 on 28-06-17, 03:53PM
It's not there fault it's been allowed to happen over the years but think of that big fat bonus all the store managers have just got 45%
Could that of been smaller and spread it down and give to GA's and managers
My partner is affected by this deal despite being told their pay rise would be based on performance, it clearly wasn't. When they raised this very point, they were told their 3.2% bonus this year was their 'reward' for their work in the past year. The fact that the pay deal has effectively punished their historical loyalty and performance was overlooked. As a manager at Tesco, all you have to look forward to is more uncertainty - Tesco still needs to lower management costs by  at least 20% to make it (i) market comparable and (ii) release funds for the staffing levels it needs to operate. It's inevitable that the most expensive/costly are under the microscope.


I love the way they're trying to say that the bonus we were given  was reward for performance.
So those who got a missed review didn't get the bonus then?


Our Manager is on holiday this week - nobody has briefed us. How bad is it that we have to find the details out on here? Morale in store is very low, the details have spread like wildfire- can't wait to complete wmty  in July


Does anybody know anything about Managers pay award in distribution?
Is it the same as in store or different?


Quote from: Baggy1957 on 28-06-17, 03:53PM
Totally agree with lots being posted,I too am too high up scale (what ever it is)to get a rise,also told today that I was a miss ,not having had a end of year review this was a surprise.all my efforts to make new twilight operation work alongside stock control obviously not recognised.
In 36 years in retail I have never felt so deflated ,my manager says my contribution is valued ,it doesn't seem like that.
We are being made to pay for other people's increases !
With 5 years before retirement I'm not likely to move job so I guess I will have to suck it up.
The next wmty will be a laugh,
Your Manager is playing the Tesco game and trying to ensure that you don't get a pay rise, (after 20+ years of green reviews) I too was told exceed on the what but missed on the how , so had overall miss ( my review was 3 months late) so shouldn't have counted. Also under the new review process you should have regular check in ( finger on the pluses pulse)  meeting  to guide you to an met or exceed review


Biggest frustration in the open honest transparent world of Dave is that no one will say what the pay band is, if it's store size or sales or just manager head count, it's a farce a made up number that's secret.

Some not all managers have worked hard, took the difficult jobs that no one else wanted, yes they got a small payrise but now it means nothing, small or no payrise the last few years and now this cloak and dagger rubbish. Time to seriously consider redundancy when it comes round again.


Interesting that the 10.5% increase for colleagues was a big press story but the manager pay freeze gets no mention. Just another example of the press office in action - bigging the company up instead of releasing the truth.
There's been a big disparity in wages across the manager roles with no explanation for a long time. Don't ask why though because they won't tell you

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