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Till Losses

Started by delysia, 06-04-11, 09:18PM

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hurray i've found a way to post on this damn forum have been surfing for ages

wrong dept to ask a realistic question rather than a hypothetical one but here goes.
I have been having loads of till losses during the last few months and I aint taking that money home or giving it away as far as I am aware that money goes back in the till, I've worked at the same store for five years and have cameras on me and I aint no thief. grevience procedure starts tomorrow any tips on what is going wrong???

Quote from: delysia on 31-03-11, 06:54PM
help what is a grevience proceedure my till losses have been getting worse
I think you managed to post 6 days ago,



A number of things could be going off, from errors with change, roa errors, lost sales to someone using your cashier number, the things u got to ask is are you the only one on the till during the losses, have you been isolated, does everything balence in cash office to do the times of the losses actual correspond to when u were actually on the till

just curious

in the store where i work you are also allowed to ask for a till check before going on a till that has already had a n operator on the checkout , a pain for the team leaders / checkout manager but a protection for staff . This is also a company policy that your request is done to help protect you , so if your manager or team leader says they do not have to do a till check or that they do not have the time then grievance there refusal . Also never share or let another staff member use your number and password as this is against company policy and could lead to dismissal.

the one with a que

ask the questions you have in your head, anyone have access to your number?, anyone else been on that till before/after you?, till checks been made?(do they do them correctly?), cash office procedures followed?

till checks are done every time we sign off at our store even if you are a relief cashier and have only served one customer. 

protect your log on/ password, change password often(not just when prompted done from menu button), do insist on till checks, if they won't do them refuse to go on till ask them to find you a clean (till checked) one.


check your training? could you be making a mistake with out realising it? like taking saving stamps as cash, and have the team leaders checked under the till drawer? and are the team leaders checking the tills - do they make mistakes or could they be stealing the cash? 


1) Request a till check before you sign on and after you sign off.
2) Change your password frequently in case someone is trying to 'stitch you up'.
3) If your password is ever not what you set it as, Inform a manager immediately and have them review activity under your cashier number to identify if it could have been used by someone else.
4) Don't be afraid to ask if you aren't sure on how to process something on a checkout, you don't want an honest mistake to cause a till short.


so how do you do a new post on here i can not find it lol  :'(


theonetwo, you have to support VLH to be able to open a new thread.

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Welcome to VLH, theonetwo. You may also like to read to find out why we ask members to consider becoming VLH supporters.

just curious

How and when do we renew the fees to be a member of this site to be able to support the great service provided by all members? ( sorry if this is in the wrong thread ) !!!.


is your store on the new cash management system?


Quote from: just curious on 15-05-11, 12:59AM
How and when do we renew the fees to be a member of this site to be able to support the great service provided by all members? ( sorry if this is in the wrong thread ) !!!.

Automatic emails will be sent up to 30days prior to supporter status expiring, advising the member of the impending expiry, and to renew if they so wish.

Another email will be sent following the expiry of support status and that membership is no longer VLH Supporter, but it can of course be renewed at any time of their choosing.

I will post the above information elsewhere in due course.
Nomad ( Forum Admin )
It's better to be up in arms than down on your knees.


What I do is make sure my teamleaders operate a clean till policy. Whenever someone comes off a till it is checked regardless of whether or not someone is about to go on to it that way there is an extremely minimal chance of more than one operator being on there. Cash office discrepancies are monitored and don't happen. I ask my T/Ls to ensure that they put a till check Reading in the card swipe on the monitor so that staff know it is clean. If there isn't one I have told them to request the till be checked. If the cashier has 3 or more discrepancies in less then 4 weeks it goes to informal. Once this has taken place I conduct investigatory meetings and follow the misconduct process for subsequent discrepancies (as long as it is justifiable) 


how do people manage self service? was in a store last week and they were counting self service on a weekday by hand? i thought this only was done once a week!

any idea how to manage the losses on this?

also anyone know how to use back office to manage scan it all?


Till losses on self serve can not be blamed on the attendant as they have nothing to do with it. If they were counting the tills mid week I would suggest they have a difference in one of their safes and they are checking that extra, or not enough, has been put into the self serve.


Just hand the problem over to your manager, its his/her problem not yours.

Raster >:D


You may have been mistaken and they were just filling them up again mid week? Or filling up on the Monday if the service team had agreed to leave some tills unfilled?

But you are right... generally - there should only be the one count... If there isn't there must be an issue they are attempting to correct... most probably somebody did something wrong during the Sunday close down :P


we empty everything out of self service on a sunday and fill it up fresh again. is this the right procedure?


Yep, they have to be emptied for the end of week count and re-filled :)


Well if it's any reassurance, I have only been in my post just under three months and only got my silver till training and bronze CSD training a week ago, prior to that I had two hours being shown how till works etc,(started end of March), the rest as hoc. Started PT and went FT after 7 weeks. No comments prior to FT either.

I have had till shortages and like you NOT a thief, but feeling like I am being overly watched. Stopped and searched a week ago too,(only clocking on card and car keys) But hey that's procedure I suppose. Just not nice when you know all your colleagues have been asked about you and how you work and what they think of you, and then they start treating you like some piece of thieving s***.
None of them know me at all.(married to a policeman for twenty years etc) Am being very careful every time I do transactions now, bearing in mind the last time I did shop work was when I was 16 and I am nearly fifty now. I think I have learnt quite a lot in a very short space of time.
I will heed the advice of those more experienced on here and request starting till checks etc.

by the way Cash office and management have not produced any reports or evidence that there are till shortages, all I have had is their word for it. Have joined Union and will be taking advice if this goes on, as I do not want defamation of character for the rest of my working life.

Sorry really upset here, as When you have always been honest and then that and your integrity are put into question it is upsetting, and has far reaching implications in today's world of work.


I would suggest speaking to either your manager, or their boss or the PM and explain that you have heard that other people are been asked about you and you feel uncomfortable about it. See what they have to say, if nothing else it should stop the questioning.

Ever ready

The cash office will have a daily report on all the tills showing how much a till is over or short. If you are pulled in over these till losses you are within our rights to see these reports. If they cant produce them the they have no proof or right to question you over till shorts, they have to be able to prove a till has gained or lost money. Just remember if you work on CSD and a till is short or over it doesn't mean the money has been taken, it could be other issues like refunds being done incorrectly or lottery tickets not being cancelled in time or lottery refunds incorrectly being done etc. All these things need to be looked at before you can point a finger at somebody so always ask if they have fully investigated till over and shorts before they sit you down. Hope this helps.


Thanks for the info,

just wondered as it didn't come up at my training, when blue podding, is it right that only the operator of that till, physically carry the blue pod to the chute?  our CSD chute is broken, so that means a walk to the tills chutes. when I called the cash office to say that I needed to blue pod, and my collegue who had just gone for a tea break refused to take my blue pod, they then sent down a TL from checkouts, to cover whilst i did my own pod, and then she refused to open her till to pay out for a lottery cash payout I had already done from my till. (there is a specified lottery payout till). And she was on it, also she made a big deal about letting the other staff member know this when she got back from her break.

Am getting a bit concerned as now it seems that everyone else is working to rules that I had not been informed of at training.

Any comments please?

Princess Perfect

Till loses are not only mistakes, they could also be that a teamleader or a cashier or a multiskiller has been stealing. We have had an incident like that recently, needless to say, that employee does not work for Tesco any more.


Quote from: Polum2 on 23-06-11, 12:43PM
Thanks for the info,

just wondered as it didn't come up at my training, when blue podding, is it right that only the operator of that till, physically carry the blue pod to the chute?  our CSD chute is broken, so that means a walk to the tills chutes. when I called the cash office to say that I needed to blue pod, and my collegue who had just gone for a tea break refused to take my blue pod, they then sent down a TL from checkouts, to cover whilst i did my own pod, and then she refused to open her till to pay out for a lottery cash payout I had already done from my till. (there is a specified lottery payout till). And she was on it, also she made a big deal about letting the other staff member know this when she got back from her break.

Am getting a bit concerned as now it seems that everyone else is working to rules that I had not been informed of at training.

Any comments please?

If I were you, I'd not carry a pod anywhere, especially by myself. If you don't have access to a working chute, do not do a till pickup, Let a manager or TL do it on their own operator number. Its far safer from every point of view to leave cash in a till than it is to walk it across the shopfloor.

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