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Equal Pay/Leigh Day /Tom Hewitt/

Started by OpShunned, 22-03-17, 05:49PM

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The wheels of justice turn exceedingly slow, I can personally vouch for that.
Nomad ( Forum Admin )
It's better to be up in arms than down on your knees.

his scots tie

The next hearing in an email I had from Leigh Day is not until October, but they seem very upbeat of a positive outcome regarding this.


That will be 5 years by then🙈 probably another 5 to get the actual outcome from it all.
Thanks for the update anyways👍👍


"The wheels of justice turn exceedingly slow, I can personally vouch for that."

Just look at Jarndyce v Jarndyce!   :o
"The progress of the kart is more important than its direction"


Just received email from Leigh Day.
In comparison made by Tesco i score 456pts in 2014 vs 181pts  of asembly/picker in DC.(higher means better).

" Tesco argues that we can’t rely on this document to show your work is rated as equal to male DC workers. We disagree. A 7 day hearing will take place in October to decide whether we can rely on this evaluation. Please let us know if you would be interested in attending the October hearing to hear Tesco’s top executives give evidence on the scoring that they completed in 2014. 

If we can rely on the scoring we wouldn’t need an expert to show that the jobs evaluated are of equal value; Tesco will have done that for us. This would speed up the resolution of these claims. Even if we cannot rely on it, it is good evidence that store roles are of equal value to those in the DC."


I had that email to.  What is your role if u don't mind me asking. I'm a checkout t support.


Comparison was made while i was a team leader, nights.


[admin]Deleted, off topic.[/admin]


QuoteThe claimants â€" represented by law firm Leigh Day â€" allege this study developed by Tesco’s own Reward Managers in 2014 found that 22 hourly-paid store roles were equivalent to higher-paid distribution centre roles.


“This is a highly unusual scenario where Tesco is now backpedalling and criticising its own study,” Leigh Day employment solicitor Lara Kennedy said.

A blast(report) from the past certainly appears to be a Tesco OOOPS moment.  :-[
Nomad ( Forum Admin )
It's better to be up in arms than down on your knees.


QuoteOn Wednesday (13 January), the EAT dismissed an appeal the supermarket giant bought against an earlier ruling by an employment tribunal, which said Tesco must hand over the information it holds concerning warehouse workers’ activities, job descriptions and rates of pay.

Another step forward  :)
Nomad ( Forum Admin )
It's better to be up in arms than down on your knees.


That is good.

However, I think it was a big blow a few months back when it was ruled that Tesco's own report saying that roles in store were as valuable as roles in distribution couldn't be used in court. That could have been a massive gamechanger and saved a lot of time in court. As it is, I think things will just continue to be dragged through the courts for years and years with everything getting appealed and appealed again, until ultimately us employees lose the case.

How are the ASDA employees getting on all these years later? Still not got a penny have they?

Fingers crossed though as this pandemic has really brought to light some of the s**t store employees have to face on a day to day basis along with their manual work of actually getting things to the shop floor and onto the shelf or whatever other things staff have to do.


On the 11th Jan 2021 The President of the employment tribunal upheld the decision for Tesco to provide the documents needed for Leigh Day and now only have the Court of appeal left to go to directly. There is a zoom meeting for Leigh Day claimants Feb 4th 2021 if they wish to put any questions forward and they will explain in detail what is going on.


Still long way. Asda is ahead with claim. They won 1 stage of 3.
Need to win all 3 to be successful.

1. Are the roles comparable?
2. If the roles are comparable, are they of equal value?
3. If they are of equal value, is there a reason other than sex discrimination that means the roles should not be paid equally?

Example of equal pay claim from past is the one from Glasgow. It took 12 years only.


Asda workers win pay claim in supreme court of appeal.


Erm... refer to the post above.... they have only won the first step. The supreme Court has ruled that the roles can be compared.


Long way to go guys and gals but I hope you get summat  :)

Paupers wage

Unfortunately as with every big Goliath in business, Tesco a major employer, the outcome will not entail any big payouts to upset the status quote, the government, the ruling elite wouldn't wish to upset big players who keep the lower working class employed, don't be holding your breath!


Quote from: Nomad on 09-02-20, 11:07AM
The wheels of justice turn exceedingly slow, I can personally vouch for that.

Of course they do; lawyers get paid by the hour. ;)


It's the courts slowing all down. You can have case ready but when you must wait 6 moonths for slot in the court then no wonder all takes years.


Do you need to be signed up with Leigh day to make a claim or can you make your own claim once there is an outcome?


Don't hold your breath folks,  firstly it could cost tesco billions in back pay so they will put the biggest and best lawyers in there legal costs of 10s of millions will not faze them as the claim is very shakey
Tesco claim distribution and stores are two seperate businesses within the tesco group ((Tesco stores Ltd and Tesco Distribution Ltd) therefore according to tesco same rules do not apply.
When the claim looks doomed Leigh Day will back out and you will here no more about the claim as happened with the claim they started for Sunday pay/, double time.


Quote from: blueberet on 27-03-21, 09:04PM
Do you need to be signed up with Leigh day to make a claim or can you make your own claim once there is an outcome?

No you can do it yourself, what you wont get is any part of a payout that Leigh Day secure but you will benefit from whatever remedy is made after the court case as long of course we win it.

Tom Hardy

If it will cost the industry Billions then don't be surprised when there is mass job losses as a result


Why all the negativity, yes OK I know there are lot of vested interests here but Tosco and their ilk have only got themselves to blame for deliberately keeping wages in the retail sector down. Cynically taking advantage of the fact that traditionally most people in retail have been women and therefore considered an easy target, less likely then the men in the depots to take strike action. Unfortunately for Tosco society changes and those self same women are more likely to be better educated and as Useless has discovered more likely to stand up for themselves than in the past This is about recognizing that both jobs are of equal worth and that does put a very different perspective on things.
In reality this isn't going to cost tosco that much money, it's just money they don't WANT to pay out.


Nomad ( Forum Admin )
It's better to be up in arms than down on your knees.

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