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New Changes - Q&A's

Started by Loki, 10-01-15, 09:31AM

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All that's known, so far, is the info at the start of this thread.


Apologies, but until further information becomes available, that's all I have.
When all else fails, madness is the emergency exit.


Thank you, do you know or can you say what happened to managers in the pilot stores


No. Only that, according to the company, the Pilot is a "success".
When all else fails, madness is the emergency exit.

the postman


I don't doubt you for one moment my friend. But the company obviously have a twisted view on what is and what is not successful.
When all else fails, madness is the emergency exit.


Is there anyone that was in a trial store and apart of the restucture know what the redundancy pay is?  As the governments is 1.5 weeks for every year? 


OurTesco has now updated employees with the following Q&A's including additional ones not included within the OP:

We've received lots of different questions from you about the proposed changes to the pension scheme and the benefits package.  We thought it would be useful to give everybody a snapshot of the most common ones we've been hearing. It's been great to hear from so many colleagues and we'll aim to keep this Q&A up-to-date as more questions come in over the next few weeks. So keep checking back and keep posting your questions!

Q.Will the pension proposals only affect members of the Final Salary Section of the pension scheme?

A. No. The proposal is to consult with our colleagues to close all sections of our defined benefit Tesco Pension Scheme. This includes the Pension Builder section and the Final Salary section.

Q. Will the changes affect just new starters or is everyone affected?

A. The proposal is to close the current scheme to everyone – not just new starters

Q. If the existing pension scheme is closed will it be replaced with another scheme?

A. Yes, when the consultation is launched we will be providing details of the proposed new pension scheme that will replace it.

Q. What is going to happen to the pension I've already built up when the Scheme closes?

A. The pension you have already built up in our existing scheme will not be affected. This pension can stay in the Scheme and the Scheme will continue to be managed by the Scheme Trustee – the same as it is today. To see what pension you have already built up, please take a look at your latest Benefit Report sent to you in November.

Q. When will I hear more about the proposed pension changes?

A. The consultation will start in the next few months, when we'll be writing to all colleagues with details of the proposed changes and how the changes could affect you. The consultation will run for at least 60 days, when you'll be able to give your feedback on the proposals and ask any questions you may have.

Q. If I am thinking of taking my pension soon, do I need to do anything now because a consultation has been announced?

A. No, nothing has changed in the Scheme and won't change until after the consultation has concluded later in the year. If you want to see how much pension you have built up already, take a look at your latest Benefit Report sent to you in November. The pension you have built up will not be affected by any of the proposed changes.

Q. Can I still join the pension scheme or is it too late?

A. The Scheme is open as usual and all Tesco colleagues can join the Scheme at any time. However, the consultation announced today will look to close the Scheme to all members at a future date.

Q. Will you be consulting with our Unions on the changes?

A. Yes. We will be working closely with your Unions throughout the whole of the consultation process.

Q.What will happen to the Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) I pay into my pension?

A. Like your existing Tesco pension, whatever AVCs you have built up so far will remain unaffected by any of the proposed changes. Any extra money you pay towards your pension now, whether in the existing scheme or any new scheme in the future, can still be used when you come to retire.

Reward Questions

Q.What does a flat investment in pay mean?

A. Clearly we're facing into some difficult financial challenges and we can't afford to increase our costs.  So we need to keep investment in pay flat, which means there won't be any improvements in pay rates this year. We will however be introducing a new turnaround bonus for all colleagues, and we'll be looking at giving more flexible choice over the benefits you receive. We'll be listening to colleagues to understand their preferences.

Q. What is the 'turnaround bonus'?

A. We're looking at a new bonus scheme for all colleagues that will reward us if we achieve our turnaround plan. We'll tell you more on this after the reward review.

Q. How will my benefits package change?

A. We will introduce flexible benefits to give colleagues more choice, as well as a plan where colleagues will receive a bonus, if we deliver the objectives set for our turnaround plan

Q. What do we mean by flexible benefits?

It means offering colleagues a choice in the benefits they would personally prefer – and, as part of the reward review, we'll be listening to colleagues about which benefits they value most.

Q. Will the 2012 Cash Bonus still be paid?

A. Yes, we'll be in touch with eligible colleagues in April with more information including how much their award will be and how to choose when to receive it.

Q. Will there be a Shares In Success Award this year?

A. Shares In Success awards are linked to business performance and the decision on whether an award will be made under the scheme this year hasn't been made yet.
When all else fails, madness is the emergency exit.


Actually the pilot was a success in some stores, while some others did struggle with it.

And as it seems very similar to the old section manager structure there's no reason after all the moves have happened that it won't be a success for the company as a whole.

People seem to forget stores managed perfectly ok before team leaders were introduced.


Quote from: Loki on 10-01-15, 01:18PM
No. It means that they will finalise the list of the 43 stores that they have decided to close.

Sorry, but I was being sarcastic and making the point that they MUST have decided which stores are to close because the number IS 43 !

Surely that wasn't just a mathematical (not that they can do maths ;D) calculation?


I can see this supposed bonus being paid out using the reviews, on a red or amber, forget it.
Apologies for the speculation.


The bonus sounds like a target driven thing. Kinda like in express when they had 15% bonus every month - 5% for hitting sales, 5% for waste & 5 % for mystery shopper. Some shops were always guarenteed at least 10%. If you hit your sales targets etc then you get a bit of money.
God, i remember getting plenty of 30% bonuses in express when we passed stocktake too. Them days are long gone. Express staff were better off on the old lower pay/bonus than being aligned to superstore pay/no bonus. The payouts most of us got in compensation for earning less proved that.


in a few weeks time a fair few teamleaders could be offeed  the chance to step down to a ga , and recieve the differance of pay in a lump sum. Does anyone know how this lump sum will be treated in  respect of pension contribution. I could imagine it would cost the company a small fortune to match everyones additional contributipns at a time when it is trying to close the scheme because of cost issues.


Don't know for sure but would imagine it would be a seperate one off payment, if we get it at all personally I won't be holding my breath ????


I don't know how successful the stores who participated in the pilot was re new structure, however I DO know that new stores which have opened on the new structure have no problems. However, that is probably due to the fact they have no p****d off ex team leaders there :)


My store was relatively close to one of the express trial stores. We were forever receiving emails begging for staff to do overtime there to give the appearance of the trial bring a success. Never went there myself but by all accounts it was in a right old state.
Don't think express employees will be safe at all as some our saying. I think one way or another we're all about to get shafted by the powers that be  :'(


Anyone know the structure of a superstore under the changes? I am a deputy and I think the new structure is "traders"


What did the structure look like in express pilot stores does anyone know
Do not let anyone tell you there is not a decent job and life beyond Tesco.


I thought it was supposed to be the addition of a third team leader to release the SM/DM from running duties (also known as filling shelves/doing routines). Don't know if it's still happening tho.
My wife, an express DM, has always insisted she doesn't need another team leader to manage - she needs more GA's to work delivery/serve on tills so she can actually do manager things instead of dilling/serving! Shows how out of touch senior leadership are. They want to replace expensive managers with cheaper team leaders when all that's really needed is even cheaper CA's! But what would we lowly shop staff know? It's not like we have to drag ourselves through the same c**p every day with no one listening to us....

tut tut

Not to worry...... She'll be a G A herself soon....


News Article:

"The shop workers union Usdaw said it had not yet received a list of stores affected but said it was committed to supporting and protecting staff.

Although Tesco is not yet disclosing the locations of the 43 stores to close Mr Lewis revealed that a "significant proportion" would be its Express convenience shops.

The sites will be spread across the country.

The chief executive would not give any guidance on the scale of the jobs to be lost or whether they were likely to be in the thousands. Head office jobs will also see cuts as overheads are slashed by 30%."
When all else fails, madness is the emergency exit.


Tesco might not be saying what shops are shutting but local press across the country and facebook - twitter etc are having a field day with speculation over what stores are being shut. Usdaw supporting and protecting staff right and I'm the Pope.
Do not let anyone tell you there is not a decent job and life beyond Tesco.


Just a question could teamleaders be offered only flexible contracts possibly older staff losing sunday premiums etc.. has to be asked?  >:(


Quote from: scorpio on 11-01-15, 09:29PM
Just a question could teamleaders be offered only flexible contracts possibly older staff losing sunday premiums etc.. has to be asked?  >:(

Reading between the lines i think every member of staff will be placed on a flexible contract.


If this is the case, then how are they going to get around the Sunday working rules? which I believe state that you cannot be forced to work on a Sunday, or are Usdaw just going to roll over like they do on every other issue involving it's members and let Tesco introduce Flexi-contracts to all of it's workforce. I for one would not work a Sunday unless I was paid an incentive to do so, and that incentive would have to of the monetary kind, not just be that I kept my job if I agreed. ;) ;)
The worlds me lobster

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